Saturday, August 27, 2016

49 Facts Every Fan of the British Royal Family Should Know

How much do you really know about the royal family? Did you know Prince William once stood up Britney Spears or that a famed musician wrote an official lullaby for Prince Harry? With a mix of royal etiquette issues, information about their royal titles, a nod to some memorable scandals, and more, here are 49 facts you may not know about the British royal family.

1. Prince William had a crush on Cindy Crawford when he was 13, and his mother invited the supermodel to join them for tea.

2. Back in 2002, Britney Spears said Prince William stood her up before she dated Justin Timberlake. She said during an interview on The Frank Skinner Show, "It was just like, all blown out of proportion — we exchanged emails for a little bit, and he was supposed to come and see me somewhere, but it didn't work out."

3. Meanwhile, Prince William covered teeny bopper magazines, cementing his teen-idol status alongside heartthrobs like JTT and Andrew Keegan.

4. Prince William took a gap year, traveling and volunteering in Belize, Chile, and several countries in Africa before heading to university. He also worked on an English dairy farm, getting up before dawn to milk cows and earning about $5 an hour.

5. In 2001, Prince William enrolled at St. Andrew's under the name William Wales. He received a Scottish Master of Arts degree with upper second-class honors in geography — the highest degree ever obtained by an heir to the British throne.

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