Saturday, October 1, 2016

How To Lose 10 Pounds In One Week

One of the most popular questions Shape readers ask is "How can I lose 10 pounds?" And this time of year, with New Year's resolution motivation at a fever pitch, that question is even more popular. So we set out to talk with some leading fitness experts for their top ways to stay motivated to lose weight for good.

Read on for their advice on how to lose 10 pounds safely and relatively easily!

1. Track your exercise and calories. You have to get accountable, says Stacey Lei Krauss, star of the “willPower+Grace: Mile High” DVD. So write down and track what foods you eat and the workouts you do. " is a fantastic Smartphone app," she says.

2. Swap soda water with lemon and apple cider vinegar for diet soda. Star of the new "Get Extremely Ripped: Revved to the Max" DVD, Jari Love recommends trading your diet soda out for soda water with a little fresh lemon juice and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed in. "Lemon is great because it’s high in vitamin C," Love says. "You can also add in one teaspoon of Splenda, and you have a delicious and refreshing lemonade treat. Studies suggest that apple cider vinegar speeds up your metabolism and helps your body burn more calories."

3. Go for a walk/run three to four times a week. While walking for 30 minutes every day is great for burning calories, Olympic sprinter and certified personal trainer Samantha Clayton, says that you'll burn more calories by jogging and even more by running. "So mix up your walk by doing intervals," she says. "Increase your speed for short bursts, then recover with a slow walk. Doing this three to four times a week will help you lose 10 pounds in no time at all!"
4. Try Bikram. Ever tried hot yoga? It's a great way to allow your body to stretch and recover from weight and cardio workouts, Lei Krauss says. Not to mention that it burns enough calories to help you lose those 10 pounds. "Ninety minutes can burn 600 to 700 calories because your heart rate will be elevated due to the heat," she says.

5. Increase the incline on the treadmill. Instead of running on the treadmill with no incline to lose weight, try taking the treadmill up to a 7.0 incline and a walk, Love says. "This is a great option as running is difficult when you are overweight," she says. "Walk uphill with your arms up for two minutes and down for one minute. This will get your heart rate up as high as if you were running outside."

6. Use a side plate. Instead of using a large plate for all your meals, use a smaller one. This trick will shave off almost half the number of calories you eat at each meal, Clayton says. "An average weight loss of two to three pounds a week can be expected [by doing this]," she says. "Portion control is the key to losing weight and keeping it off."

7. Snack on veggies. Fresh veggies make a great healthy snack, saving you hundreds of calories a day when compared to unhealthy snacks like chips and candy bars. Veggies don't have to be boring either, says Lei Krauss. Swap out your veggie dip for non-fat Greek yogurt or toss cucumber slices with barbecue spices. Yum!

8. Switch to black coffee. If you are a coffee-shop regular and don’t want to give up your daily java, pick your drink wisely, Clayton warns. A medium mocha coffee averages 330 calories, yet a medium black coffee has only 5 calories, (with milk it still only has 18 calories). "Cutting out that mocha every day can add up to a whopping 2,300 less calories per week, translating to about a two-pound weight loss a week!" she says.

9. Use berries not a banana in your smoothie. Instead of using a banana in your protein shake, try one cup of raspberries. " Raspberries have eight grams of fiber whereas one banana has two grams," Love says. "Fiber helps keep you feel fuller for longer and helps you from succumbing to cravings."

10. Squeeze exercise into your busy life. Don't talk yourself out of exercise because of lack of time, Clayton says. "Set realistic goals that you can build on—one squat is better than no squats," she says. "Brushing your teeth twice a day should take you four minutes. You can do about 60 squats in that time." Burning calories while brushing your teeth now? Now that’s weight loss everyone can achieve!

And the best way how to lose 10 pounds? Be consistent with your healthy choices and workouts! Being fit isn't about being perfect or never eating a donut again. It's about making healthy choices most of the time, day after day. So embrace that healthy lifestyle to lose 10 pounds and keep it off!

Are you trying to lose 10 pounds? How are you doing it? Will you try any of these tips? Tell us all about it!

Source :

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Here's Why Crying Helps With Stress and Weight Loss

When was the last time you had a good cry? If you've been stressed, try to just let it all out — it's actually good for you!

We asked Dr. Pete Sulack, the "stress expert," if it was better to cry out our stress or take some deep breaths to avoid tears. He told us that "in addition to being a good emotional and psychological release and a way to deal with intense emotion, crying is also good for reducing stress levels in the body."

And it's backed by science — a study at the St. Paul-Ramsey Medical Centre in Minnesota found that tears actually contain stress hormones. Dr. Pete said they're "protein-based hormones prolactin, adrenocorticotropic hormone, and leucine enkephalin (a natural painkiller), all of which are produced by the human body when it is under a lot of stress."

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How My Mother Impacted the Way I See Myself?

I don't think it's a new revelation to say that a mom has an incredibly powerful influence over her daughter's body image. This includes her approach to exercise, her relationship with food, and how she feels about herself as "a woman" entering adulthood.

In a report from USA Today, Dr. Leslie Sim, clinical director at the Mayo Clinic said, "Moms are probably the most important influence on a daughter's body image."

The influence is multidimensional; it comes from the way the mother herself acts (and leads by example), and then the actual parenting: the words used, the rules set in place, the direction. The smallest of words or actions can have a huge impact, and it can be either positive or negative.

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Saturday, August 27, 2016

13 Taylor Swift Facts Only a True Swiftie Would Know

Taylor Swift has certainly had one incredible transformation. She went from being known as the young country star with curly hair to becoming a mega-superstar over the course of only a few years.

Even though she's constantly in the public eye for her career and love life, there are still a few interesting tidbits about the singer you may not know. Test your knowledge about Taylor by checking out all the fun facts ahead.

1. She learned how to play guitar from a repairman

When Taylor was 12, a computer repairman taught her how to play three chords on the guitar. It eventually inspired her to write her first song, "Lucky You."

2. The youngest songwriter

She is the youngest songwriter to be hired by Sony/ATV Music Publishing house. She was only 15 at the time.

3. Her favorite number is 13

Aside from being born on Dec. 13, 1989, the number also has a special significance on her career. "I turned 13 on Friday the 13th," she told MTV News back in 2009. "My first album went gold in 13 weeks. My first No. 1 song had a 13-second intro. Every time I've won an award I've been seated in either the 13th seat, the 13th row, the 13th section or row M, which is the 13th letter." So, basically 13 is her lucky number.

4. She grew up on an 11-acre Christmas tree farm

Taylor spent her younger years on her family's Christmas tree farm in Montgomery County in Maryland. Since she wasn't old enough to secure trees on car roofs, she was in charge of clearing praying mantis pods out of the trees.

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49 Facts Every Fan of the British Royal Family Should Know

How much do you really know about the royal family? Did you know Prince William once stood up Britney Spears or that a famed musician wrote an official lullaby for Prince Harry? With a mix of royal etiquette issues, information about their royal titles, a nod to some memorable scandals, and more, here are 49 facts you may not know about the British royal family.

1. Prince William had a crush on Cindy Crawford when he was 13, and his mother invited the supermodel to join them for tea.

2. Back in 2002, Britney Spears said Prince William stood her up before she dated Justin Timberlake. She said during an interview on The Frank Skinner Show, "It was just like, all blown out of proportion — we exchanged emails for a little bit, and he was supposed to come and see me somewhere, but it didn't work out."

3. Meanwhile, Prince William covered teeny bopper magazines, cementing his teen-idol status alongside heartthrobs like JTT and Andrew Keegan.

4. Prince William took a gap year, traveling and volunteering in Belize, Chile, and several countries in Africa before heading to university. He also worked on an English dairy farm, getting up before dawn to milk cows and earning about $5 an hour.

5. In 2001, Prince William enrolled at St. Andrew's under the name William Wales. He received a Scottish Master of Arts degree with upper second-class honors in geography — the highest degree ever obtained by an heir to the British throne.

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Friday, August 26, 2016

13 Craziest Things Britney Spears Has Ever Done

Britney Spears has done a lot of crazy stuff throughout her lengthy career.
No, we're not just talking about that time she shaved her head.
Even before her very public meltdown, Spears did many things that had fans questioning what was really going on with her.

We have a list of the craziest things she has ever done.

1. I'm A Snake 4 U 

Remember that time she performed with a live snake at the MTV VMAs back in 2001? So much could have went wrong, but we're thankful it all went okay. 

 2. A Chaotic Reality Show

Britney Spears and Kevin Federline featured in a terrible reality show about their relationship. Britney seemed uncomfortable the whole time and tried to make silly jokes. It lasted 5 episodes. It aired on The UPN, a now defunct network. 

3. Baby On Board

Britney made headlines for carrying her son, Sean Preston, on her lap, while driving. She tried to justify it by blaming the paparazzi, but later owned up to the mistake.